Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Frugal Film Project 2024 - August

My August shots for the Frugal Film Project were taken at the annual photography fair in Doesburg. More than 100 dealers and sellers offer all kinds of cameras, lenses and related gear. A true heaven for gearheads like me :-)

It is always great to browse through all that is on offer. This time I found nothing to add to my collection but I had a fun day out nonetheless.

As usual, all photos were shot with my Canon EOS 1000N fitted with a 24-85mm lens and loaded with a roll of Agfaphoto APX 100. I've developed the roll at home using Adonal developer and scanned the negatives with an Epson V850.


  1. The mannequin is a cool find, very cool shot!

  2. Thanks Joeri! Indeed somebody went 'above and beyond' with their market stall.
